Saturday, October 6, 2012

Haldane 3rd Graders visit Glynwood Farm and cook up a Veggie Feast in the Barn!

Haldane 3rd graders get to experience first-hand where their food comes from and how it gets on their plates.
Mrs. Moeller's 3rd grade class had a special treat yesterday: They visited Glynwood Farm and had their Chef in the Classroom in the Barn!

Upon arriving at the farm, they were greeted by farm educator Carolyn Llewellyn and lead on a tour.

They learned about plant parts,

picked veggies in the garden,

and collected eggs from the hen house.

Passing goats and horses, they wound their way up to the barn

where Chef Laurie Gershgorn and CIA chef intern Matt Sporer waited with their mobile kitchen set-up and ready to cook.

Chef Laurie taught the 3rd graders knife skills.

One group chopped leeks, another group chopped potatoes and turnips, while another group chopped garlic and herbs.

Students took turns tearing up kale, turnip greens and cabbage leaves.

Everyone got to crack an egg into a big bowl and whisk it up

 to make a giant egg scramble with leeks and herbs.

And while that was cooking, the kids gathered the rest of the ingredients into a big pot and stirred it all up into a giant harvest vegetable soup!

Yum Yummmm!

(and let's not forget the pigs.. they got the scraps)

All in all, it was an unforgettable day!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun, delicious learning experience for everyone!
